Payments Make Please select first which wallet you want to make payment Tether (Bep-20) BnB (Bep-20) Eth (Bep-20) Usdt (Trc-20) USDt Amount Nuova Continue Payment Process Please make payment 100 USDt to receive 2000 NUOVA token. Select your payment method: Pay with Crypto I hereby agree to the token purchase agreement and token sale term. Buy token now help Our payment address will appear after order is placed. Confirmation your payment Your order no. has been placed successfully Please send 100 USDt to the address below. The token balance will be appear your account after transaction approved by our team. Payment to the following wallet address content_copy For vertification process please enter your Wallet Address Confirm Order I made the purchase. Cancel Order help If your payment is valid, it will be confirmed by our team as soon as possible.